Richmond Products Apps

HRR Calculator 1.0
HRR Calculator (tm) Key Features:- Efficient calculation of patient’s HRR score- Results can be printed or exported for inclusion inpatient’sfiles- Password protected for patient privacy- Interprets entries using the time tested HRR instructions- Compatible with iPad, iPhone or Android tablet- Saves timeYou can now use select tablets and smart phones to enterpatientresults by touch screen when administering theHRRPseudoisochromatic Plate test. These results are theninterpretedinto a recommended diagnosis based on the rules from theoriginalHRR Instructions. Then patient file can be immediatelyupdated viae-mail or PDF. Patient privacy is maintained by passwordprotectedentry. Since the actual HRR Plates are used by thepatient, theintegrity of the color test results is maintained.Testing results can be entered based on binocular ormonocular(recommended) examination. The name of the testadministrator isalso logged for future reference. Output choicessupportpresentation of the results for occupational testing.Further, theability to compare the patient’s HRR results over timeisespecially important with Tritan errors resulting fromdrugtoxicity.The app also includes a copy of the Color Vision Tutorialwhichhighlights the growing importance of color vision testing intermsof occupational applications and acquired color deficienciessuchas those resulting from a long list of prescription andOTCdrugs.